Loan Watch: 28/08/2023

Loan Watch: 28/08/2023

We have a number of our players out on loan. Here's a look at how some of them got on at the weekend. 

Kieran Offord scored and assisted one to give Edinburgh City a 2-0 lead against Annan Athletic in cinch League One. But the Citizens couldn't hold on to their lead and fell to a 3-2 defeat at Galabank. 

There was another 90 minutes for Fraser Taylor in the NIFL Premiership as 10 man Ballymena United were beaten 2-0 by Glentoran. The 20-year-old has now made three starts in a tough beginning to the season for Ballymena in which they've faced last season's top three sides over the last three matches. 

Aiden Gilmartin missed out on East Kilbride's 4-2 win against Cowdenbeath in the Lowland League after picking up an injury in training. 

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